K Joseph's Substack
Joy at Work with K. Joseph
Meetings, Urgh!

Meetings, Urgh!

This briefing document examines two articles by K. Joseph focusing on practical strategies to improve meeting effectiveness by boosting energy and interaction.
Blowing, Dandelion, Beautiful image. Free for use.
Fluffy has no place in serious work meetings. Image by DanaTentis from Pixabay.


Key Ideas and Facts:

1. The Importance of Engagement:

  • Traditional meetings are often perceived as boring and unproductive, leading to disengagement.

  • “Do you ever find yourself sitting in a meeting, staring at the clock, and willing the time to move faster? If so, you’re not alone.” - K. Joseph

  • Engaging meetings lead to better focus, participation, and ultimately, better outcomes.

2. Icebreakers: To Use or Not To Use:

  • Pro-Icebreaker Argument: Icebreakers can help overcome initial tiredness and preoccupation, fostering focus and openness to interaction.

    • The article suggests various icebreakers tailored to different group sizes and familiarity levels, emphasizing the importance of choosing an appropriate activity.

  • Nuanced Approach: While acknowledging the benefits of connection, the author recognizes that traditional icebreakers can sometimes feel like a "waste of time" in fast-paced work environments.

    • The article suggests “reading the room” and understanding the team culture to determine the appropriateness of icebreakers.

3. Alternative Engagement Techniques:

  • Interactive Agenda Setting: Allows attendees to shape the meeting agenda, increasing their sense of ownership and engagement.

  • Show and Tell: Provides a platform for team members to share updates, successes, or demonstrations, fostering knowledge sharing and participation.

  • Case Study Analysis: Engages participants in collaborative problem-solving by analyzing real or hypothetical situations relevant to the meeting's focus.

4. Key Ingredients for Effective Meetings:

  • Purpose: Meetings should have a clearly defined objective, communicated to all participants beforehand.

  • Content: The material presented should be relevant, engaging, and tailored to the meeting's purpose.

  • People: Invite only necessary participants who can contribute to the meeting's objectives.

  • Interaction: Encourage active participation through questions, discussions, and interactive activities.

5. Additional Tips:

  • Visual Engagement: Utilize visuals like charts, graphs, and pictures to enhance information retention and engagement.

  • Interactive Tools: Consider online platforms like Slido, Mentimeter, Miro, and LucidSpark for polls, Q&A sessions, collaborative brainstorming, and other interactive elements.

  • Meeting Length: Keep meetings concise and focused to maintain attention and respect everyone's time.

  • Breaks: Incorporate breaks for longer meetings to prevent mental fatigue and allow for rejuvenation.

  • Positive Ending: Conclude meetings on a high note with a group activity, poll, or fun game to leave a lasting positive impression.

  • Flexibility and Adaptation: Be willing to adjust and experiment with different techniques based on the team's needs and feedback.


"Whether you love them or hate them, icebreakers allow teams to grow closer to one another and get prepared to work together for the purpose of the meeting."

  • "Humans are visual creatures, and we’re much more likely to pay attention to and remember information that is visually engaging."

  • "The ending of the gathering should leave everyone wanting more." - Priya Parker's "The Art of Gathering."


By implementing these practical strategies, leaders can transform their meetings from dreaded obligations into engaging and productive sessions that foster collaboration and innovation and achieve desired outcomes.

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K Joseph's Substack
Joy at Work with K. Joseph
Experienced Change + Program + Project + People + Process Improvement Executive. I am well-known for exuding positive energy and compassion even as I make results happen at the intersection of strategy and delivery. And on weekends, I write. This is my podcast series. Enjoy with a chocolatey beverage.
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